Review Article

Smartphone Addiction

Sever Yıldırım,Türker Tekin Ergüzel,Gökben Hızlı Sayar
2019, 3(1), s:25-30

Nowadays most of the young generation use internet intensively. These individuals are constantly online thanks to their smart phones. Since internet has a usage area that is so wide and smart phones give their users very easy access to it, many people feel desire to use smart phones. Smart phones come in many different price ranges and they are accessible for every consumer type. Many advertisements are being made to spread internet usage and make it a regular thing of everyday life. Also, smart phone companies produce more affordable phones. Smart phones make possible many useful tasks on internet for their users, such as; banking transactions, grocery shopping, watching movies and reading newspapers. Smart phones make everyday life easier and they make computer tasks without the need of using a computer; which also saves time. Purpose of this review is to overview the current situation about smart phone addiction and discuss the causes and results of this addiction.