Review Article

Sociology of Consumption: A Study on Technology Addiction

Aybüke Kaplan
2019, 3(1), s:31-41

Technological development and diversification of products offered to the consumer and make them attractive cause some problems. The main reason for these problems is the inability to control the product life. Uncontrolled use of technology leads to many behavioral addictions. Technology addiction, which is accepted as a sub-dimension in behavioral addiction, is a prominent problem in this process. It has been found that people’s increasing dependence on technology changes individuals identity and, moreover, their consumption preferences. In adolescence, more dominant individuals can express themselves while expressing materialist attitude. Therefore, it is thought that the way individuals express themselves in the community is indexed to the goods they consume. For example, the element that is the main determinant of many personal oriented preference perceptions, such as the preferred phone brand and the features of the computer, is focused on what the individual consumes or adopts.  In this article, the reason of the intense demand of individuals for the need created for media and communication tools and technological products is explained. In addition, technology dependence is examined from a sociological point of view in this context in which ostentatious consumption manifests itself today.